Nextcloud Office / Collabora Online

Nextcloud Office is a self-hosted and online office suite that can be used with Nextcloud based on Collabora Online.

Automatic setup

A script is available to automatically setup Collabora Online for you combined with an already running Nextcloud container.

It requires to have the richdocuments app cloned into your apps directory.

./scripts/enable-collabora <container-name>

Manual steps

  • Make sure to have the Collabora hostname setup in your /etc/hosts file: collabora.local
  • Clone, build and enable the richdocuments app
  • Start the Collabora Online server in addition to your other containers docker compose up -d collabora
  • Make sure you have the richdocuments app cloned to your apps-extra directory and built the frontend code of the app with npm ci && npm run build
  • Enable the app and configure collabora.local in the Collabora settings inside of Nextcloud

Using with HTTPS

To properly work with HTTPS, you need to add the following parameter to the Collabora container in the .envfile:
